Entries by antrakalnbalkite

Diversify alternatives to fossil fuels, not contrast them

The European Commission has given countries the freedom to choose how to achieve significant emission reductions in the transport sector. The efforts of various industries to pull the blanket towards them can be seen, but it would be more strategic to diversify the sector, keeping in mind the goal of low-emission transport. Read the full […]

Participation in the International Scientific Conference ICAE2021

The International Scientific Conference ICAE2021-13th International Conference on Applied Energy is taking place online from November 29 to December 5. Today, on December 30, researcher Kārlis Mendziņš will present the research topic “EXTERNAL COSTS OF PASSENGER CARS IN LATVIA”, and sen. researcher Aiga Barisa on the topic “RENEWABLE TRANSPORT CHALLENGE: A COMPREHENSIVE POLICY ASSESSMENT MODEL”. […]

Transport will inevitably be more expensive

Associate Professor Aiga Barisa of Riga Technical University in an interview with Rūta Kesnere. The European Green Deal envisages significant changes in the transport sector. How much pollutant is transport, how much carbon dioxide does it emit? How important are the reforms in this sector? Read the full interview here: https://www.dienas.lv/raksts/latvija/zinas/neizbegami-transports-bus-dargaks-14271409?fbclid=IwAR1zZDa_OEmWkialiVE8Qx0g-n86P3ivtsV6ApfuA2HO5vVJqMI

Participation in CONECT 2021

Last week, on May 12-14, we participated in the international scientific conference Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies CONECT 2021. The lead researcher Aiga Barisa spoke on the results of the study “Incorporating user behaviour into system dynamics modelling: a case study of private vs. public transport in Latvia”.

Practical webinar – workshop “100% renewable sources local governments in Zemgale”

On April 21, the practical webinar-workshop “100% renewable sources local governments in Zemgale” will take place. It is organised by the Riga Technical University Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, in cooperation with the Zemgale Regional Energy Agency and the Zemgale Planning Region. In the Zemgale Planning Region, the share of renewable energy sources (RES) […]

Practical webinar – workshop “100% renewable sources local governments in Latgale”

On March 12, the practical webinar-workshop “100% renewable sources local governments in Latgale” will take place. It is organised by the Riga Technical University Institute of Energy Systems and Environment. In the Latgale Planning Region, the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the total energy balance is increasing every year, but is it possible […]

Biogas or electromobility – which RES technology will make it possible to reach the set targets for transport in 2030?

On 8 December 2020, the online seminar “Biogas or electromobility – which RES technology will make it possible to reach the set targets for transport in 2030?” was held. Speakers were the project manager and lead researcher Vladimirs Kirsanovs, professor Dagnija Blumberga, Member of the Board of the Latvian Biogas Association Mārtiņš Pelšs, professor Jeļena […]


This year, from November 5 to 6, the international scientific conference RTUCON (International scientific conference Power and Electrical Engineering) was held. The project performer A.Safronova spoke at the panel session with a report on vehicle cost analysis. V. Kirsanovs, A. Barisa and A. Safronova “Cost-benefit assessment of electric vehicle vs internal combustion engine in Latvia”.