Entries by antrakalnbalkite

Best practice fact sheets

Best practice fact sheets have been developed within the project. The purpose of the catalogue is to show in a simple and visible way the European countries’ experience in promoting the use of renewable energy sources in transport and the results achieved. The Best practice fact sheets are available here.

Participation in CONECT 2020

This year, from May 13 to 15, the international scientific conference CONECT (International scientific conference Power and Electrical Engineering) was held. Several studies relating to the results of the project “Sustainable and renewable transport policy formulation in Latvia” were presented at the conference: A. Veipa, V. Kirsanovs, A. Barisa. Techno-economical analysis of biofuel plants producing […]

Electronic catalogue of RES-T technologies

An electronic catalogue of renewable energy sources in transport technologies (RES-T) was created within the project. The catalogue of technologies includes solutions for the use of RES in transport, which are currently available in the market and are used in Europe and in the world. The use of modern vehicles will foster the achievement of […]

Report on the development of the biogas sector

Within the framework of the project, a report on the development of the biogas sector for transport energy needs has been prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Economics on 16 September.

We congratulate A.Safronova on her Bachelor degree!

We gladly inform that the student of the Riga Technical University A.Safronova has defended with excellence her Bachelor thesis “Assessment of the potential of the use of biomethane in transport in Latvia” and obtained a Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences.

European Transport Conference

The 4muLATe report for participation in the European Transport Conference, which will be held in autumn in Dublin, has been approved. The conference brings together academics and practitioners of the industry from all over Europe to discuss different pressing matters, incl. industry policy, best practice examples, technologies and much more.

International CONECT Conference

This year, from May 15 to 17, the international scientific conference CONECT (International scientific conference Power and Electrical Engineering) was held. The project manager A.Barisa spoke in the panel session on the use of modelling tools with a report on policy instruments to support the production of biomethane in Latvia.  A.Barisa, A.Safronova, V.Kirsanovs “Future transport […]